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Gain valuable insight into building and promoting your personal brand and how to leverage it to take your career to the next level.

About Stand in Your Power

Brexit, Covid-19 and the soaring rate of inflation have all had an impact on economy and the job market. No longer is it enough to just have the core skills required to build a success career; we need to build a personal brand and take control of our professional image. Whether you are looking for a new career opportunity, want to grow your side hustle or expand your network owning a strong, identifiable and powerful personal brand will take you to the next level of your career journey.


How do you build your personal brand and market it professionally alongside your story?

Business Coach, Author and Career Architect Cindy Etsell will teach you how to manage your personal brand in the way you communicate, act and position yourself around others and will show you how to stand in your power by owning your personal brand and taking your career to the next level. Cindy will demonstrate how to leverage your unique selling points, align your personal brand with your long-term career goals and adopt a wide range of self-promotion strategies, from strategic networking to building your signature style.

This one hour workshop will leave you feeling inspired to enrich how you present yourself and influence your professional reputation and career.

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