Did you know that 86% of hiring managers expect us to negotiate offers and yet only 36% of men and 16% of women do so? What is stopping us from negotiating? According to research, the reasons are different for men and women. Hannah Bowles and Linda Babcock from Harvard and Carnegie Mellon Universities found that women often face a social stigma when they negotiate because employers may judge them more harshly than men.
When a woman senses that there could be a high social cost to negotiating, she rightly avoids doing so. The same is not true for men whose reasons for not negotiating have more to do with not understanding the process.
The question remains, however, what is the cost of not negotiating? For women the cost can be very high. In, ‘Women Don’t Ask’, Linda Baldwin calculates that women who don’t ask for a better package can sacrifice up to $500,000 in pay and benefits over the course of their career. That is certainly a large enough loss to get more people to learn the skills needed to increase their chances of getting the employment package they truly deserve.
Negotiating Your Salary
I have run over one hundred hours of training on how to negotiate job offers and time and time again, the main stumbling blocks for participants, in addition to fear about the social cost, are uncertainty over the process and lack of confidence. But once we demystify negotiations and understand the key steps and stages involved, their confidence grows naturally
In this video series and upcoming negotiating workshops, I will give you tips and tricks for negotiating not only a better salary but better benefits and working conditions. Included in the series are:
- Helping you to identify the key reasons why you don’t negotiate
- Understanding and articulating your value in relation to the role and the organisation.
- Doing your homework on the company, the position and packages currently offered to people in similar roles.
- Creating presence and building your brand through effective body language and communication.
- Different strategies for permanent, contract and other employment types.
- How to start the process and ways to handle the different behaviours, language and responses of those who are interviewing you.
- Way to build your confidence through practice and learning from your mistakes.
What some of Cindy’s clients are saying:
“All the network members said they found Cindy to be very inspiring and motivational. I know I left with a few new tips up our sleeves.”
“Thank you very much for your talk! You gave everyone plenty of food for thought, and provided it in a humorous and fun way.”